
Something Out Of Nothing

January 31, 20212 min read

Coding, Google Chrome, React

In building Google Chrome extensions, you may pass a query string after the specified file name on the manifest.json.


  "manifest_version": 2,
  "name": "Lorem extension",
  "page_action": {
    "default_popup": "index.html?page=popup",
    "default_title": "Open Lorem extension"
  "options_page": "index.html?page=options",

For this example, I added a page field after the index.html of the default_popup. You can then access the page field in your application and do something with it.

Use case

One use case for this trick is that if you only have one entry point on your application (index.html) but you have different pages/ components. So to get users to a requested page, you will need the query string, set conditions and return the page depending on the field value, on this case the page.

If you are building an extension with Create React App, you don't need React Router. You can just get the field you need on the query string and do conditional rendering.

Example on how to get specific field on a query string:

// convert URL parameters to object
const urlParams = Object.fromEntries(
  new URLSearchParams(

// get "page" field and do whatever you want with it
const { page } = urlParams;
Now playing :Not playing any music.